Wednesday 22 November 2006

Can you have too much of a Good Thing?...

*** ! VIVO ALMODOVAR ! ***

Phew! I knew that I was going to shout that from the rooftops at some point. I've just come out of seven Spanish films in four days at ACMI, directed by the master of outrageous soap opera with depth, Pedro Almodovar. It sampled all stages of his career:
- his early punk period, clumsy plot-less shockfests of sex, drugs and anti-establishment mannerisms (police, judges, the Church);
- his middle period of whacky, stylised, sexy and implausable but fun farces;
- his 'mature' style of beautifully realised characters circling around each other in improbable but delicious plots, with seamless integration of music, sets, clothes and photography.

Can you tell I'm a fan?

I'll post individual comments on the films...

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