Wednesday 29 November 2006

Play: Babes in the Wood

Another Malthouse production directed by Michael Kantor. Another interesting theatrical experience, with a wonderful Anna Tregloan set and exciting cast, and a literate script by Tom Wright set both in a mythical Federation outback and in inner city now. And yet, and yet...

Did you notice the word "interesting" there? Definitely not emotionally engaging. And the cast, despite some attempts at breaking out, didn't have the impact that could reasonably be expected, either individually or as an ensemble. Rather, the production plays like an elaborately realised marionette theatre: wonderfully stylised, full of auteur-ial detail and consideration, but also somehow flat. Not even the "Look behind you"s, boos and hisses could connect across the divide between stage and audience.

X didn't like it, of course. He left at interval, which was commented on in surprise by the gentleman next to me and the couple on his side (we're a friendly bunch, us Malthouse subscribers!). So he missed the second half where the excuse for a plot was largely dropped, leaving us a phantasmagoria of atmospheric and amusing scenes, greatest of which was Eddie Perfect's song 'tribute' to Steve Irwin: "die doing what you love, love the things that will kill you" - "let the stingray of love into your heart", accompanied, of course, by a ballet of dancing stingrays...

[X's 'intolerance' of things that he's not enjoying is actually rather sensible and good: why waste your life on things that aren't giving you what you need or expect? Would that he had the same attitude during our relationship; it would have saved the last year from becoming so destructive and unpleasant and given us both an extra year of our lives!]

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