Tuesday 28 November 2006

Tupperwear(TM) Party

I went to my first-ever Tupperwear party last night. Admittedly it was cancelled not long beforehand, but a couple of us turned up for a cup of tea nevertheless and turned it into a party anyway! Alongside lots of chat, we demoed/tested various models from the catalogue and I ended up buying some fridge containers that prolong the life of your veges...

My reasons were twofold: with my ever-so-busy social life in the evenings I sometimes am a little tardy in leaving vegetables in the fridge, only to be disappointed when I go to stir-fry or microwave them a couple of weeks later; plus all the useful plastic containers I'm currently using are actually not mine, and presumably will be taken away by X when he finds a permanent place to live :(

The night was spiced up a bit too by the eventual appearance of the Tupperwear lady himself - a nice guy from Perth who's been doing this part-time for over five years and seems to thoroughly enjoy himself, as well as being very popular with the ladies. He's keen on being popular with the guys himself, so it was nice meeting him. :)

Despite the expense: Long Live Tupperwear! Well, it will anyway - my Mum's wedding presents (1964) are still going strong!!

1 comment:

xofro said...

Just received (most) of my order - they're sitting washed and ready to be filled. My $15 'lucky dip' wasn't fantastically exciting, but never mind: I'm excited about NEVER HAVING SLIMY VEGETABLES IN THE BOTTOM OF MY FRIDGE AGAIN!